Bad driving habits? Blame mum and dad

IN THE MODERN WORLD, nothing is ever anybody’s fault; someone else is always to blame. Now, apparently, you can blame your forebears for your bad driving habits, according to a study by a UK-based company.

When the driving records of bad drivers were compared with their parents’ record, it was found that 66 percent of drivers who had broken road laws were just like their parents who had done the same.

Meanwhile, just 26 percent of rule-breaking drivers had parents with clean driving records.

And the blame game doesn’t stop there. One in four drivers attribute their bad driving habits to their parents, with the main ones being speeding, road rage and bad parking. Further down the list came poor spatial awareness (the ability to drive within a lane), dangerous driving behaviour (such as cutting in front of another driver) and driving too carefully (such as travelling significantly below the speed limit).

So the next time someone in front of you is travelling 20km/h below the speed limit, or cuts you off without warning, you’ll know it’s not their fault. It was bred into them by mum and dad!